RSP Computer Education

Computer Basics

Computer Basics

Computer Basics: Lay a solid foundation with the fundamentals of computers.

Index of Computer Basics

Introduction To Computer
Imput Output Devices
Central Process Unit
Secondary Storage
Software and Hardware
Control Panel
Operating System(OS)
MS-Windows 7
Part of Windows
my Computer
Type Of Computer
Cut, Copy, Paste
Ms Ponit.........etc

MS Word

MS Word: Unlock the art of word processing with Microsoft Word, creating documents that are polished and professional.


Microsoft Word
Part of the MS Word Screen
Creatinng a Document
File Operations
Editing The Text
Formattig The Text
Function, Icon, Shortcut keys
Exiting MS Word
Paragraph Options
Borders And Shading
Bullets Ad Numbering
Find, Replace & Go To
Auto correct......etc


PowerPoint (PPT): Master the art of visual storytelling using Microsoft PowerPoint, creating captivating presentations that leave a lasting impact.


Introduction of PPT
Gettinng ahead with PPT
Slides layouts
Editing a slide
Working with slide
Slide background
Applying themes
Powerpoint views
Working with Objects
Inset Numbers list
Create table & Charts
Slide Show & Aimations
Sound, Music & video......etc